GW Services
Publishing GWDocs™ on par with Obituaries was a terrible mistake. GWRegistry and any person who happen to be identified in the document authorized to carry out a Wish, Dream or Promise, with money set aside by the person that had passed, was savagely pummeled with offers to fill the expressed desires. Big corporations backed by AIMachines monetized every opportunity.
Early in 2024 GWRegistry™ stopped this abuse with the decision to donate virtually everything to non-profit affiliates. Amounts set aside for Wishes, Dreams and Promises are only published within the Affiliated Network. Money is disbursed only after being authorized by the living owners of GWDocs™. We don’t publish the living owner’s identification or contact information.
If money grows beyond that is needed to fund the stated desires in GWDocs™, the foundation trust will begin to operate much like Make a Wish. If Dreams were stated generically enough by the original donor “to help” AA, Scouting, Lyons, Rotary, Old Guard (you name it) for the benefit of others, GWCharities will become Make a Dream. You vote and give voice in your GWDoc™.
GWRegistry™ wants to remain a network grounded in traditional funeral homes and churches. We try to modernize traditional municipal cemeteries and compete with privately owned mega-corporation cemeteries. State Franchises, Affiliated Entities and ScatterMasters™ all play a role in our network. Only Affiliates are authorized to use our TradeMarks, Methods and Practices.
All are bound by the reasonable expenses GWRegstry™ sets (or the amount the person that passed stipulated). Affiliates can provide services not associated with directives of a GWDoc™ (Such as Stipends for Services of Remembrances, rental of church facilities or ScatterMaster™ handling of the ashes). These will not be paid by GWRegistry™ or GWCharities™.
It only costs $500 to be affiliated with GWRegistry. This is the only place we recover loans and investments involved in creating the enterprise. Bookkeeping and staff expenses are the only things we take from donations. Donations and disbursements will be a Zero Net Revenue operation. My Dream changed in 2024. It found a new vision how to create Charity not just record it.