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Use of Compost instead of commercial fertilizer is the bedrock of organic gardening.  Sourcing the yard waste and other natural materials that breakdown while composting is highly prized if it contains no pesticide or herbicide residue.  A variety of plant and animal waste is important for mineral variety and “Primary” nutrition.  They call it Biomass when it’s all broken down and ready to apply with seeding.


NPK (Nitrogen, Phosphorus, and Potassium) is all you need to have a great looking lawn.  It’s not the mix you want for your prize tomatoes, cucumbers or corn.  If you want the best Holly in your flower garden you need to know your 4-6-4, (iron, manganese, and sulfur), PH, and base nutrients such as calcium, magnesium, and sodium. Whoa!


Milk farmers have been spreading cow dropping on their alfalfa and employing crop rotation for more than a century.  It sounds icky.  But, it makes the milk better.  It’s more organic than commercial fertilizers and the farmer doesn’t have to truck the raw material to the town’s waste treatment plant.


This finally brings me to Bees.


Bees pollinate the flowering alfalfa.  Bees pollinate everything.  Are you afraid to eat honey because you can never know where it comes from?  Bees can do 50 miles per day collecting nectar. What icky stuff did they get into or rub up against?  How far removed from the “ichy” does the product have to be, before you eat honey?  Maybe you only want to each honey pollinated from fruit orchards (until you learn bee keeping services move their hives according to the season when farmers want their plants pollinated). Oops.


This brings me to the trace minerals found in cremated human ashes.  Not only are people returning to nature “naturally”, they are sustaining life in food we eat.  Deliberately combining it in the organic composting of food production is a fundamental method of Cremation Compost Facilities™ (CCFs).


It’s not ichy.  It’s the same as Designated Placement Areas™ (DPAs) that accommodate multiple useage for the living and those who have passed.  Some people will embrace this concept.  Others never will.

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