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Rice - Deliberate Token Scatter Celebrations of Life

Throwing of rice is generally associated with weddings.  The bride and groom are showered with rice after they leave the church, town hall, or justice of the peace’s home.  It seems to cross all secular, faith, and ethnic practices.  It showers down on those throwing and ducking for cover alike.  It is deliberate.  It causes no harm to the environment.  It doesn’t have to be cleaned up because it returns to nature quite naturally in a very short period of time. 


Now think of what a token amount can do if you carried some in your pocket and cast it at spontaneous times in the course of your everyday life.  Cast a handful into the wind when you stand at the view points of the great wonders of the world.  I grew up near Niagara Falls as a child.  As an adult I got to see the Grand Canyon, Yellowstone, the Rockies, and the southernmost point of the USA in Key West.


Don’t be offended if you are standing in line at a Ferris Wheel and some rice rains down on you.  Somebody is celebrating a small seeming insignificant event in their life.  Celebrate with them in your own mind.  Celebrate life each time you throw a token at a seeming insignificant event in your life.


Maybe it was just rice and not token ash of a person. Maybe it celebrated life not death.  …Maybe both.

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