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Funeral Homes

Funeral homes and their licensed funeral directors don’t typically advise people of all the options associated with cremation and typically don’t handle the placement of ashes. Fiduciary duties typically end when they pass the body or ashes off to people or places like cemeteries that do so. Aligning with GWRegistry™ changes this for the better.


Care for all the mundane mind numbing mechanics associated with death (in a period while a family is grieving and most vulnerable) is not for everyone. Honest help from others is never resented if reasonable compensation is involved. In times of grief we all have to work together.


Credit has to be given where credit is due. Appreciation promotes Charity and Goodwill.


Church are also in the “Business of Dying”. Both have large facilities that are utilized less than 50% of the time for their own use. The need for large halls, small chapels, and parking is the same but timing when they are needed typically doesn’t overlap. These sections of the facility don’t need to be modified… just shared (or bundled). Churches typically have kitchens that accommodate catering that funeral homes do not. Catering varies with Funeral, visiting hour, or receptions practices.


Lack of business vision is the only problem. How well bundling or sharing is received in the community is on par with churches offering services outside of their own membership or faith. The secular nature of funeral homes allows churches to reach out to the community. Take advantage of this. Work together.



Bundling or Sharing takes on a whole new dimension when survival is a stake. It doesn’t matter if it is the church or the funeral home that is in survival mode. Actually housing the two in one location creates a multi-use community campus not just a facility.


The economies of scale allow both to survive a world that is changing. This is another “Void” that GWRegistry™ sees that others don’t. Churches or Funeral homes don’t need ScatterMasters™ if they see it for themselves.


Sometimes we all need to fight for preservation of the past when it benefits everyone.

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